Due to Medicare now paying less than 45% of costs it has become very difficult for General Practitioners to sustain the expenses that come with running a medical practice. We are sorry but we do need your help to cover the costs and keep the practice alive.

Gap fees support fair pay for receptionists, nurses GP registrars and enable continued high-quality care, equipment & service for our community.

Medicare covers 80% of gap fees for most GP, other specialist & other Medicare appointments after you reach the safety net for the remainder of the calendar year. Your gap fee for GP appointments will only be around $6 to $8 if you qualify for the safety net.

The safety net is $720 in gap fees in a calendar year ($2250 if no concession card). You can reach this amount faster by adding partners and/or children on your account (call 132 011 or go to servicesaustralia.gov.au/ms016)

When the fee is paid you will either get the Medicare amount back on the spot or Medicare will refund the rebate to your bank account within one business day.

With the increased Medicare concession card and pensioner Bulk Billing incentives increasing from November 2023 elligible patients will be bulk-billed from November.

All patients will incur an out-of-pocket fee on the day of consultation except for the following patients who will remain bulk-billed:

  • Patients aged under 16 years old
  • Patients who are suffering from blindness
  • Patients with an intellectual disability
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Card Holders

Reduced gap fee rates will apply to some Health Care & Pension Card Holders


Consultation Type Fee payable on the Consultation Day Your Medicare Rebate Final Out-of-Pocket Expense (gap fee)
Standard (up to 15 minutes) $87.85 $42.85 $45
Long Consultation (20 – 29 minutes) $142.90 $82.90 $60
Extended Consultation (>40 minutes) $222.15 $122.15 $100
Iron infusions $202.90 $82.90 $120
Alternative Therapy - initial $182.90 $82.90 $100
Alternative Therapy follow up $92.85 $42.85 $50
Microsuction – 1 ear $92.85-$132.90 (Time Dependent) $42.85-$82.90 (time Dependent) $50
Microsuction – Both ears $152.90 $82.90 $70
Skin Check +/- Biopsy 208.5 $133.5 $75
Skin excision Dependent of size/site $150
Telephone Consult <6mins $60 $19.60 $40.40
Telephone Consult 6-19mins $87.85 $42.85 $45

Please note that any last-minute urgent walk-in appointments after 5pm will be privately billed for ALL patients.


On Saturdays, gap fees apply to all patients as follows:

Consultation Type Expense Private Fee Medicare Rebate Out-of-Pocket
Standard (up to 15 minutes) $88.75 $39.75 $49
Long Consultation (20 – 29 minutes) $126.95 $76.95 $50


Consultation Type Expense Private Fee Medicare Rebate Out-of-Pocket
Standard (up to 15 minutes) $100.80 $51.80 $49
Long Consultation (20 – 29 minutes) $138.80 $88.80 $50


Monday               8:30am – 5:00pm

Tuesday               8:30am – 5:00pm

Wednesday        8:30am – 5:00pm

Thursday             8:30am – 5:00pm

Friday                    8:30am – 5:00pm