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Children’s Health

Children’s Health

Children are both the most vulnerable and the most resilient in regards to physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. At Shoalhaven Heads Surgery our doctors are experienced in identifying and treating children of all ages.
We offer new-born checks, childhood immunizations, and look after mental wellbeing. Below are some of the common reasons you would see your doctor for.
– Childhood immunisations
– Croup
– Anxiety and depression in children
– Asthma management
– Covid 19 infection
– Tummy bugs and constipation
– Behavioural concerns
– Skin conditions such as acne/ rashes/ school sores/ eczema/ ringworm
– Bedwetting/ incontinence issues
– Threadworms and intestinal worms
– Red eye
– Hand foot and mouth disease
– Mental Health Care Plan referrals to a psychologist for children and adolescents